
If it is Injury, please make sure you press the injury button and fill the remaining information

If you cannot get a hold of me, do not leave a voicemail


Please ask for area of law, and that is it! if it is not injury, say thank you very much.
Be aggressive, if they try to give case details cut them off and say “Sorry, someone will call you back and get these details.” WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE A SITUATION WHERE THERE ARE ANY CASE DETAILS WRITTEN IF IT IS NOT AN INJURY CASE.

Calls that aren’t injury should never be longer than 2 minutes! Be aggressive about ending the call!

We have seen a huge increase in call length since switching full time to kelcom and it is not necessary.
Say:Thank you for calling lawyer connection, can I start with your name and number?
What practice area of law are you calling about?

If it is not injury

(potential options are Family, Litigation, Criminal, Injury)
If they say anything but injury, say “Thank you a representative will be in touch with you shortly.”
If they try to keep talking, say “I’m sorry, I am the receptionist, someone will call you back shortly to get additional details.”
If not injury say: They will often take 24 to 48 hours to call you back. Make sure to tell them this or we will get repeat callers.
If it is not injury NEVER LET THE CALL LAST OVER 3 MINUTES! Be firm about ending calls.

If they are not sure what area of law If it is injury say

What city are you calling from?
Can I get your email?
–Transfer call to injury line. If unable to connect on a warm transfer say–
When did the accident happen?
What are the extent of the injuries?
Was anything fractured?
Are you able to return to work?